### Teaching language
_Obs.: As aulas serão em português caso todos dominem esta língua._
### Objectives
• Introduce the students to the field of planetary system science, giving them all the tools to understand the concepts and terminology used;
• Introduce the basic processes of planet formation as an outcome of the stellar formation process;
• Familiarize the students with the basic theoretical and observational tools used in this domain;
• Introduce the state-of-the-art research and results;
• Use the planetary sciences domain to apply concepts of physics and astrophysics that were previously learned.
### Learning outcomes and competences
At the end of the course, the student should:
• Have a historical perspective about the discovery of our Solar System and of other planetary systems;
• Describe the characteristics of the Solar System bodies as well as their composition and structure;
• Have a background about the dynamics of planetary orbits;
• Recognize the basic steps of the formation of a solar-type star, and how those steps lead to the necessary conditions for planet formation;
• Have a general view about the process of planetary system formation and evolution, including some details about the formation of our own Solar System;
• Describe the characteristics of extra-solar planetary systems;
• List and describe the techniques used in this field of research as well as what astrophysical and physical information they provide;
• Recognize the limitations and caveats of the different techniques;
• Describe the difficulties and open issues in this field of research;
• Describe the present state-of-the-art knowledge about the research in planetary system sciences;
• Have an overall view about the challenges for the next years in this field, as well as about the major projects that will allow to give the next big steps;
• Discuss in a critical way all the results in the field;
• Read and present a scientific paper on planetary system research, and motivate an observational project in the field;
• Analyze in a qualitative and quantitative way sets of data coming from planet search programs and determine from them the physical parameters of extra-solar planets.
### Working method
### Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)
Basic physics and mathematics.
### Program
Theoretical component:
1\. The Solar System: a Historical Perspective
2\. Basic dynamics
3\. An introduction to the Solar System: general properties and basic concepts
4\. Star formation: a brief overview
5\. Disks as planet formation stages
6\. Planet formation: from observational evidence to basic modelling
7\. Searching for exoplanets: detection methods
8\. Stellar Astrophysics and Exoplanets
9\. The properties of planetary systems
Practical components:
a. Class excercises
b. Detecting an exoplanet with RV and transit data
c. Presentation of one scientific paper
### Mandatory literature
De Pater Imke; [Planetary sciences](http://catalogo.up.pt/F/-?func=find-b&local_base=FCUP&find_code=SYS&request=000293695 "Planetary sciences (Opens in a new window)"). ISBN: 9780521853712
### Complementary Bibliography
S. Seager; Exoplanets, University of Arizona Press, 2011
R.W. Hilditch; An introduction to close binary systems, Cambridge University Press, 2001
### Teaching methods and learning activities
Theoretical classes.
Practical component includes the presentation of research papers, the resolution of exercises, and a computational work (and respective report).
### Software
### Evaluation Type
Distributed evaluation with final exam
### Assessment Components
Exam: 50,00%
Presential participation: 5,00%
Written assignment: 45,00%
**Total:**: 100,00%
### Amount of time allocated to each course unit
Autonomous study: 120,00 hours
Frequency of lectures: 42,00 hours
**Total:**: 162,00 hours
### Eligibility for exams
Frequency of classes is not mandatory but is considered of great importance, and counts for the final evaluation.
### Calculation formula of final grade
Weighted average of the 3 components:
\- Written exam (50%) - minimum 7 (in 20) values
\- Exercises about the subjects done during the classes (5%)
\- Report of practical work and presentation of scientific paper (45%)
More information at: https://sigarra.up.pt/fcup/en/ucurr_geral.ficha_uc_view?pv_ocorrencia_id=498804